| eScript Perusal: $1.99 | eScript Package: $30.00 (Includes print rights for cast and crew) | First Performance Royalty: $35.00 | Each Additional Performance Royalty: $35.00 | Video Rights: $20.00 | | Type: Full Length Play | Genre: Comedy | Themes: Travel, Space/Aliens, Survival | Running Time: 100 minutes | Speaking Cast: 4 females, 6 males, 10 total cast | Flexibility: 0-5 extras, doubling possible, gender flexible | ISBN: 978-1-60003-458-9 |
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| SCRIPT PREVIEW | | | Synopsis | It’s a good, old-fashioned American vacation, traveling cross-country in the station wagon with the windows rolled down. You get both the sounds and the smells that way. And my, oh my! There’s so much to see! There’s car henge and refrigerator henge, the Yaks that Yakitty Yak, Jet Boy, and the world’s largest hypodermic needle (67 feet, 9 and 7/8ths inches from plunger to point.) But the best roadside attraction of all might have to be the flying saucer just across the Oklahoma State Line. You have to get lost to find it, but if you do, and if you get there by four, maybe you can catch the show. The one where they vaporize the entire planet. There’s no charge. | | Details: | ISBN: 978-1-60003-458-9 |