| eScript Perusal: $1.99 | | (For perusal, no performance rights conveyed.) |
| eScript Package: $10.00 (Includes print rights for cast and crew) | First Performance Royalty: $10.00 | Each Additional Performance Royalty: $10.00 | Competition Royalty: $10.00 | | (Includes competition performance rights for one year) |
| Video Rights: $5.00 | | Type: Trios & More | Genres: Comedy, Fantasy | Theme: Relationships | Running Time: 10 minutes | Speaking Cast: 1 female, 2 males, 3 total cast | Flexibility: gender flexible |
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| AUTHOR NOTES PRODUCTIONS | | | Synopsis | A long-distance bus driver sees a lot. On a dark road somewhere in the southern United States, this bus driver sees a lonely country man with a longing for home cooking put on his best clothes, gather his courage, and head into town. Who knows? This just might be the day he meets the woman of his dreams. |