| eScript Perusal: $1.99 | eScript Package: $20.00 (Includes print rights for cast and crew) | First Performance Royalty: $20.00 | Each Additional Performance Royalty: $20.00 | Video Rights: $10.00 | | Type: One Act Play | Genre: Comedy | Themes: History, Famous Characters, Conflict | Running Time: 15 minutes | Speaking Cast: 2 females, 6 males, 1 either, 9 total cast | Flexibility: 1 extra, doubling possible, gender flexible | ISBN: 978-1-60003-089-5 |
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| PRODUCTIONS | | | Recent Productions: | Griffth Middle/High School - Griffith, IN | Trinity Presbyterian School - Montgomery, AL | Dixie High School - New Lebanon, OH | | | Synopsis | William Barrett Travis and Davy Crockett are faced with certain death. Travis has drawn his line in the sand. And now? What can possibly save them? Learn what really happened at the Alamo as Davy Crockett leads the American Superheroes—Mark Twain, Abraham Lincoln, Uncle Sam, the Babe, and the Statue of Liberty—all dedicated to truth, justice and the American way. This time, the battle turns out a little differently... | | Details: | ISBN: 978-1-60003-089-5 |