Pat Cook

Pat CookI got my first taste of seeing my work in print when I was still in high school in Frankston, Texas, writing for the school paper. Then, during the summers, I wrote a column for my hometown newspaper. It wasn't until college, however, when I saw the movie version of Neil Simon's "The Odd Couple" that I decided to try my hand at writing plays. My first one-act, "The Boys In The Halls", was produced at Lon Morris Junior College in 1968 and has since vanished in some forgotten trash can.
After moving to Houston in 1970, I soon found other writing assignments at AstroWorld, educational radio, night clubs and local television. My first play to be published was "Rest in Peace", released in 1976 by Dramatic Publishing in Woodstock, Il. Still, writing was only a sideline along with several other odd jobs, which included playing piano in pizza parlors, acting in local commercials, industrial films and on stage, building scenery and selling pianos and organs. However, more plays got published and along the way, my wife, Rose Ann, taught me the joys of using a computer. This coupled with my conviction to drop everything else and write full time, proved to be a turning point in my life.
As of this writing, I have one hundred plays published by seven publishers. Several of these have been translated into Dutch and German. It's like that old saying, "The harder I work, the luckier I get". I firmly believe that everyone has a story to tell, a dream to pursue. And, believe me, if I can do it, anybody can.

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