Martin Follose

Martin FolloseMartin A. Follose has been a performing arts teacher at a small school in Southern Oregon for 25 years. He teaches band at the elementary, junior high and high school levels and is also the drama advisor for the high school. He is also the director and founder of JUST US, a musical troupe from his high school that entertains elementary students with music, acting, and general craziness. JUST US has performed throughout Oregon, California and Hawaii. He received his BS in Music Education from Oregon College of Education and his MS from Western Oregon State College.
Martin had never stepped on a drama stage until after his third year of teaching when his principal forced him to be the drama advisor the following school year. That summer Martin joined his college’s musical and was hooked. Soon after, he began writing the plays and musicals for his students.
Martin enjoys attending productions that he is aware of that are near his home. You can reach him at In his free time, Martin loves to travel, ski, is an avid jogger and enjoys hosting exchange students.

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